Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chapter 7 Translation

The Roman man, named Gaius Cornelius, who is Marcus and Cornelia's father sits in the country house. Cornelius is a Roman senator. He sits alone because he wants to write many letters. While father is busy marcus, sextus, and cornelia wander in the neighboring fields. they watch many slaves work.
Suddenly they catch sight of a messenger who comes toward them. the messenger reaches where they are and the boys welcome him.
"Hello!" responds Marcus" Whom are you looking for?"
"I am looking for Gauis Cornelius" the messenger says.
"Gaius Cornelius is my father" Marcus says "He is in the country house." The messenger leads into the country house and looked for the father.
"Father" says marcus "the messenger is in the country house."
Cornelius immediately comes and greets the messenger. The messenger hands over the letter. Cornelius reads what the letter says "Alas!" "The emperor recalls all roman senators to the city. He wants to consult them. It is neccessary to return to the city."
"Hurray!" shouts Sextus who wants to go to Rome. Cornelia groans because flavia is not able to go to the city.

Chapter 6 Translation

*sorry i can not find some translations*

It is not light yet, but cornelia gets up and walks through the country house. Father and mother and Marcus still sleep. Also sextus sleeps and does not annoy Cornelia. However the slaves and slave-women do not sleep. Everyone now gets up and prepares to work, because they fear cornelia and aurelia.
Cornelia watches the slave-woman, named Syram, who cleans through the country house and the other, named Thressam, who prepares to cook food. Many slaves soon run in the fields where they work hard. they carry water from the river to the country house. Now cornelia and aurelia get up. Cornelius looks for Davus who is in the garden. Suddenly Cornelius is angry. He scolds Davus because he sits under a tree and does not work. When Davus hears cornelius. He immediatley rises and gets ready to work.
Aurelia teaches Cornelia to look after the country house. The slave women clean the country house, cook the food, and spin wool. Aurelia scold the slave women if they are lazy. Cornelia watches mother and everything she is doing to prepare, she wants to help mother but she can neither scold the slaves nor slavewomen herself. The slaves and slave women now work actively. It is neccessary that neither the slaves or slavewomen are scolded.

Chapter 4 Translation

Sextus is a troublesome boy who always annoys Cornelia. Cornelia therefore does not like Sextus. Today Cornelia sleeps under a tree. Sextus catches sight of the girl and stealthily approaches. He climbs the tree and shouts in a big but loud voice. Cornelia hears the voice but does not see Sextus. The loud voice frightens Cornelia. She is worried. At that moment Marcus runs to the tree. Marcus catches sight of the troublesome boy and shouts "Come down Sextus!" Sextus shouts "Marcus why dont you climb the tree? Nothing frightens me. What frightens you?" "Be careful Sextus!" Marcus shouts. "The branches are weak." Suddenly Marcus and Cornelia hear a loud crash; Sextus falls out of the tree. Marcus and Cornelia laugh, but Sextus does not laugh.

Exercise 3b

1. amici Romani
2. Pueri soli
3. amicae laetae
4. servi defessi
5. pueilae irate
6. viri soli
7. villae rusticae
8. pueri defessi
9. Picturae Romanae
10. Viri laetus

Chapter 3 Translation

In the picture is a Roman boy named Marcus, who lives in the country house and farm. Also in the picture is another boy, names Sextus, who also lives in the country house and farm. Marcus and Sextus are friends. Today the boys are shouting and laughing in the garden because they are happy. The man also in the picture is named Davus, who is a slave. In Italy there are many servants who work in the fields and country houses. The boys are Roman but Davus is not Roman. The man is British who now works in Itlay. Because Sextus and Marcus are Roman Boys they dont work. Davus works alone, he is angry because the boys are shouting and running int eh garden. Suddenly the statue falls into the fishpond. Sextus laughs. Marcus also laughs, but Davus shouts "Go Away, you pests!" and runs angirly to the fishpond. The boys run out of the garden. Davus groans.

Chapter 2 Translation

Cornelia is a Roman girl. Flavia is also a Roman girl. Cornelia and Flavia are Roman girls who live in Italy. Cornelia and Flavia are friends. Today the girls do not sit but walk in the fields. In a short time Cornelia is tired. No longer are they walking but sitting under a tree. Flavia is also an active girl, runnin in the fields. In a short time Flavia is also tired. Now Cornelia and Flavia sit under a tree, Cornelia reads and Flavia writes. At last the girls slowly walk out of the fields toward the country house and farm.


This blog will feature translations and exercises from Ecce Romani I (third edition). If you have something i dont please comment!